Braces & Other Orthodontic Treatments in Apollo Beach, FL

What to Know About Wearing Braces

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Why Wear Braces?

Children, teen and adult patients are often a candidate for orthodontics. Braces correct oral concerns ranging from minor to severe, resulting in a straight, even smile. Common problems addressed by orthodontics include crowded or crooked teeth, bite misalignment, jaw problems and gaps between teeth. But wearing braces is about far more than achieving a great smile! Straight, properly aligned teeth make brushing and flossing easier, reduce your risk of oral disease and improve self-confidence when communicating with others.

About Orthodontic Treatment Riverview, FL

“Collaboration with other dental professionals is crucial in any orthodontic treatment. Especially with adult patients that have complicated cases with their dentists or oral surgeons.”
Matthew Ahrens DMD

Maintain Proper Care to Enjoy a Healthier, Happier Smile

Orthodontics has become more streamlined over time. Today, people often spend less time wearing braces and more time enjoying a straight smile and better oral function. Depending on individual needs and severity of case, treatment may range from one to three years – when proper care and compliance are part of your every day routine.
How can you properly care for your braces?

  • Eating With Braces

    Biting into hard foods easily damages bracket and wires. Instead, cut foods like fruits or grind nuts and seeds into softer foods before eating. It is also best to avoid sticky or sweet items, as they too can damage your braces and increase your risk of cavities.

  • Oral Hygeine

    Daily, meticulous homecare is extremely important to your teeth, braces and end result. Ask our friendly team about the tools and techniques you need to care for your smile while in braces. We may also recommend more frequent dental cleanings during orthodontic care.

  • Avoid Parafunctional Habits

    It is never a good idea to chew on foreign objects like pens, but especially so with braces. Also avoid chewing ice, gum, popcorn and using your teeth to open things, as these habits often lead to orthodontic emergencies.

We Offer the Comprehensive Orthodontic Options Your Family Needs

Dr. Matt Ahrens is a Board Certified Orthodontist, and highly skilled in providing full-service orthodontic care. Through a one-on-one consultation and evaluation, we discuss the best treatment options for you or your child and determine the right solution for your unique oral needs and smile. Modern technology offers a number of options designed to deliver the exceptional end results your family deserves!

Before And Afters

Before After
Before After

The Proof is in Our Patients

About Orthodontic Treatment Riverview, FL
Sophia's Experience With Braces
About Orthodontic Treatment Riverview, FL
Kala's Experience With Braces

With today’s orthodontics, getting your dream smile has never been easier! Call now to reserve your braces consultation.

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