December 21, 2023
According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), you should schedule your child’s first orthodontic treatment around the age of seven. This is the age at which most of your child’s adult teeth will have grown.
Most of the time we associate orthodontic treatment with braces for young teens and adults. So why does the AAO recommend scheduling an appointment for your child at such a young age?
The answer is that our pediatric orthodontists can help you catch potential problems early on while preparing you for future treatments.
Why Is an Early Orthodontic Evaluation Important?
Early orthodontic evaluations in young children are often known as interceptive care. That’s because the orthodontist is looking for either hidden problems or signs of potential future problems.
Most of the time, these evaluations reveal that a child is on the right track for proper dental health. However, other times they can aid in identifying potential dental treatments early on before they become larger orthodontic problems.
Studies show that early orthodontic treatment can often reduce the complexity of future treatments. In fact, in some cases, they can avoid the need for expensive treatments later down the timeline.
Early orthodontic consultations benefit your child’s dental health, save you money and time as they grow older.
What Will the Orthodontist Look For?
The first thing our orthodontists will look for is malocclusions – a.k.a. teeth not properly aligned – in your child. This refers to abnormal alignments in both the upper and lower set of teeth. They typically include things like:
- Underbites
- Overbites
- Crossbites
- Buck teeth
- Deep bites
- Misalignment in the front teeth
- Overlapping teeth
- Missing teeth
Your orthodontist will inspect your teeth to determine if they are misaligned. They will also ask about any signs that might indicate present or potential dental problems.
This includes things like problems speaking, difficulty with chewing, teeth grinding, accidentally biting cheeks, and thumb sucking. Thumb sucking is indeed perfectly normal in young children. However, if it continues past the ages of five or six it can start to significantly damage teeth.
Benefits of Early Orthodontic Evaluations
We’ve mentioned that an early orthodontic evaluation can reduce the complexity of treatment for children later on in life. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of interceptive care.
First, it can dramatically improve dental health. Early signs of problems typically result in culprits such as gum disease and tooth decay in children. By addressing them, you make your child’s teeth easier to clean and maintain.
Creating space for permanent teeth reduces the need for extractions later on in their childhood. The process of making space is both less complicated and less unpleasant than painful extractions. There’s also the reduced risk of dental injuries.
Front teeth that are protruding are much more likely to be damaged in falls and sports injuries. This can result in emergency orthodontic treatment that can set you back thousands of dollars. Early treatment reduces the likelihood of these injuries.
Lastly, there’s peace of mind for you. There’s no denying that orthodontic treatment can be expensive. Without an early orthodontic evaluation, you might be panicking that you’ll be hit with an unexpected bill later in life. These early evaluations can help you learn what to expect as your child grows into a teen. That way, you can budget for any orthodontic care later on.
How to Choose the Best Orthodontist for Kids
Sadly, not all orthodontists are created equally. As such, you should make sure you’re doing your research to ensure that you’re getting the best possible option.
When searching for orthodontists in the Apollo Beach, Riverview or Brandon area, the first thing you should do is review their qualifications and credentials. Once you cover this bare minimum, you should look into how they cater their experience to children.
Orthodontic treatment, even if it’s just a check-up, can be a scary and nervous experience for a child. As such, you want an orthodontist office that does everything in its power to make it a comfortable experience for your child.
Checking out reviews of the orthodontist to see what other parents are saying. We’re proud that SouthShore Orthodontics has a 5-star Google rating with more than 200 total reviews from happy patients and parents.
Remember that just because an orthodontist is great for adults and teens doesn’t mean they’ll be a good fit for your child. Make sure to explore this resource to learn more about choosing an orthodontist for your kid.
What Potential Treatments Can Be Used?
Treatments will depend on what symptoms your child is exhibiting, as well as the orthodontic prognosis. For example, if they’re experiencing overcrowding, your orthodontist might suggest palatal expanders.
Palatal expanders tools are used to expand the upper part of your child’s jaw while they’re still young. The gentle pressure from the expanders gradually widens the plates on the upper part of the mouth.
This, in turn, makes room for additional teeth to grow in. In some cases, your child might lose their baby teeth early. This can be a problem because baby teeth are used to hold the place for adult teeth to grow.
As such, if they fall out early, it can cause other baby teeth to shift into the available gap. In these cases, your orthodontist will likely recommend space maintainers.
As the name suggests, these devices simply hold the space until the other baby teeth fall out. In some cases, it might be appropriate to remove the baby teeth entirely to allow the new adult teeth to grow in.
While it’s rare in young children, in some cases, your orthodontist might recommend a short time in braces to correct alignment problems early on.
Ready for Quality Treatment? Contact SouthShore Orthodontics
We hope this guide helped you learn more about the importance of getting an orthodontist for kids. Unfortunately, finding a provider for children at such a young age can sometimes be a challenge.
Here at SouthShore Orthodontics, we know that everyone has different oral health needs. Our board-certified doctors have extensive experience in early childhood orthodontics and will work with you to create a customized treatment plan to fit your child’s needs. Check out our exceptional patient testimonials, then give us a call to schedule your free consultation!