How Orthodontics Enhance Facial Aesthetics

May 31, 2024

There’s a reason why there are nearly 6,400 orthodontist offices found in the United States. We rely on these professionals to help fix a wide array of dental problems.

However, the main reason people see an orthodontist is to enhance their facial aesthetics. This can cause a wide range of benefits in a person’s life.

But how exactly does orthodontic treatment help enhance facial aesthetics? And how do you find the best orthodontic treatment for your needs? In this guide, we’ll answer these questions so you can decide if visiting the orthodontist is the right decision for you or your loved ones.

Why Are Facial Aesthetics Important? 

A common misconception is that improving facial aesthetics is all about vanity. However, the reality is that feeling great about your smile and face can have a lot of practical benefits in your life.

One study found that 52% of adults were self-conscious about their smiles. Having crooked teeth can drastically affect a person’s self-esteem levels. This can go on to negatively affect your work performance and social relationships.

Improving your facial appearance with orthodontic treatment can boost your self-confidence.

What’s more, not being afraid to smile can also help ease certain mental health conditions, like anxiety. A definite sense of freedom comes with knowing that your teeth look great when you smile.

They Correct Jaw Alignment Problems

Certain dental conditions don’t just affect your teeth, but also the underlying facial skeletal bones. Conditions like cross-bites can cause your jaw to look out of alignment.

Early orthodontic treatment can nip this bite correction problem in the bud before it becomes a serious problem.

In addition to helping prevent conditions like TMJ down the line, it also balances your facial profile. This can lead to a more harmonious jawline.

They Create Facial Symmetry 

When it comes to beauty aesthetics, facial symmetry is everything. However, this doesn’t just apply to areas like your eyes, eyebrows, and ears. It also counts your teeth.

Treatment options, like braces, can help straighten crooked or crowded teeth. What’s more, they can also close unsightly gaps in your teeth. All this helps contribute to your overall facial symmetry.

They Improve Your Lip and Cheek Support

It’s estimated that 10% of the population suffers from an underbite. And that’s not even counting the people who need to deal with overbites and protruding teeth.

In addition to affecting the way to talk and eat, these conditions can also impact your lips and cheeks. See, our hard tissue (which includes both our bones and teeth) can affect our soft tissue (our lips and cheeks).

Improving the hard tissue in your lips and cheeks can help enhance the soft tissue in surrounding areas. When these problems are corrected, they provide much more support to your cheeks which can improve their appearance. What’s more, they can also result in fuller lips.

What Other Benefits Do Orthodontics Provide?

Many people make the mistake of thinking that braces from orthodontists are purely for cosmetic purposes. However, the truth is that orthodontics can also provide you with numerous other benefits besides straighter teeth.

For example, if you suffer from sleep apnea and snoring, then a trip to the orthodontist might be able to help you. Other oral health benefits include:

  • Prevents tooth decay
  • Prevents gum decay
  • Prevents certain dental injuries
  • Improves your speech abilities
  • Aids with digestion
  • Prevents bone erosion
  • Reducing the risk of TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
  • Relieve pain

How to Find the Best Orthodontic Treatment  

One of the first things you should do when searching for an orthodontist is ask around your network for recommendations. Odds are your friends, family, or colleagues might have a suggestion about who you should visit.

Ensure you’re carefully checking online reviews to gauge the average patient experience. If you’re interested in visiting SouthShore Orthodontics, you can read our 5-star reviews here.

You also want to verify their experience level. The fastest way to do this is to make sure that they’re board-certified. At SouthShore Orthodontics, our orthodontists are board-certified, reflecting their dedication to the highest standards of care and expertise in the field. This certification ensures that you are receiving treatment from professionals who have undergone rigorous evaluation and continuous education in the field of orthodontics.

Ready for Enhanced Facial Aesthetics? Contact SouthShore Orthodontics

We hope this guide helped you learn how orthodontic treatment can improve your facial aesthetics. Here at SouthShore Orthodontics, we know that every patient has different needs and goals for their treatment.

That’s why we work with you to create personalized care plans tailored specifically toward you. What’s more, we do all this in an environment that’s welcoming and comfortable.

So, if you’re ready for the smile you’ve always dreamed of, schedule a consultation with us today.